About Finana (Video 90s)
Finana allows users to create personalized financial plans and improve financial literacy by participating in community forums, talking with financial advisors, and taking short financial lessons.
Free credit building & financial goal planning application
Lead designer
Interaction designer
Visual designer
2 designers
1 product manager
1 project manager
7 engineers
6 months
My role
To learn more about the problem space, we took a trip to the Bronx area, to see and experience our target users' living environment. When we explored the neighborhood, we saw a lot of check cashing services that are usually not as present in central Manhattan. These services allow individuals to cash their paycheck without a bank account in exchange for a high fee.
Problem space
Many low-income people of color use financial services that don't build their credit and cost them more money.
Without access to traditional banking services,
Financially underserved customers in the U.S. spent $189 billion annually in fees and interest.
Households of color are two times more likely
to have used check-cashing services and money order as compared to white households.
How might we help low-income people of color build or improve their credit scores so that they can plan and make progress towards their long-term financial goals?
Brainstorming, co-design workshop, and information architecture.
When one signs up, one has the ability to access the online community forum and resources without entering personal and banking information.
Support multiple languages & minimum identification requirements
You can get assistive tools to translate, search in a dictionary, and bookmark words or sentences to learn more by pressing with a finger.
Assistive tools: Translation, Financial Dictionary, Bookmark

User-Centeredness & Cultural Competence

You can ask any questions related to finance. Your profile is anonymous. Many financial advisors and experts are ready to hear your voice. We also give you tips to receive good answers.
Don't hesitate to ask questions

Build a sense of belonging by sharing financial experiences in our online community and receive professional advice from trusted financial advisors and community experts.
Receive professional advice from trusted financial advisors & community experts

User-Centeredness & Cultural Competence

You can easily figure out difficult financial language through easy examples and related lessons.
Learn financial jargon
in a more digestible way
Let’s create a personalized financial plan to achieve long-term financial goals. What information do we collect and why? We will show you our transparent data collection policy as well.
Trust & Empowerment

Create a personalized financial plan unique to each user’s situation
You can easily track your current financial situation and achieve long term financial success by breaking down goals into actionable steps.
Achieve long-term financial success

Financial Sustainability

We will give you some recommendations with trusted and transparent data based on your financial situation and credit score to help you achieve your goals.
Recommend the best financial advisor and product for you
Financial Sustainability
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